C. Bryant
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Newport Beach R-911 Failure & Tusnami Siren Contract !

Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:41 pm

K-Cal Channel 9 reported on its 12 pm news today that only about
34,000 of over 100,000 R-911 calls went out in Newport Beach , Ca.
for the Tsunami alert - this is seen as a FAILURE due to overloaded phone lines . Well what do you know, all those R-911 test, like they had in that
city last May, are perhaps somewhat of a Farce , Telco can and will overload :twisted:
durning a real crises !

City hopes to have Sirens installed within a month :)

I wonder who can do the contract work that fast ?

Sorry I could not find a link on the k-cal 9 website to this story as of now .

Anyone have more information about this ?
Who got the contract American or
Federal Signal etc? Perhaps still up for bid ? Could be worth at least
3 to 4 Sirens ?

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Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:13 pm

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Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:18 pm

I wonder if Whelen might get it?

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Re: Newport Beach R-911 Failure & Tusnami Siren Contrac

Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:39 pm

C. Bryant wrote:K-Cal Channel 9 reported on its 12 pm news today that only about
34,000 of over 100,000 R-911 calls went out in Newport Beach , Ca.
for the Tsunami alert - this is seen as a FAILURE due to overloaded phone lines . Well what do you know, all those R-911 test, like they had in that
city last May, are perhaps somewhat of a Farce , Telco can and will overload :twisted:
durning a real crises !
That's about as shocking of news, as when I saw the sun rise this morning. Who'd have imagined??? :roll:

If it weren't lives at stake, I'd stand by and laugh while the whole reverse-911 system crashes & burns in the next disaster. What the **** do they think is going to happen when an earthquake kills phone service statewide, as has ALWAYS been the case in any medium to larger quake? And additionally, we don't even have a telephone in the house, and I know lots of other people who also don't. My cellphone is a Dallas area code, and how does that play in with a SoCal emergency? What a SNAFU.

I remember driving 50 miles away from the Los Angeles area in the afternoon following the Northridge Earthquake in search of a live phone, and I only found one that worked, in a storage yard in the middle of nowhere. I had to put my quarter in, and wait at least 5 minutes for a dial tone, and then could only place a call out of state; no local calls allowed.

Yes, that's a real 500-lb Federal SD-10 I'm holding (braggart!)

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Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:36 pm

Reverse-911 is the only warning system used in Salem, Oregon, which has no sirens. The problem is that in the six years I lived there, it had not once been tested. I would guess that 98% of residents are unaware of its existence, and to live in a state capital without any warning system is unnerving. My only consolation was that Portland would probably be attacked first, and they also have no warning system.

Out here in Bend, we don't have any warning system at all. Just the housing of a Model 5 left on the roof of the old firehouse for decoration. Luckily, we'll never get a tsunami. If we go, it will probably be by one of the dozens of volcanoes surrounding Bend.
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