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Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:26 am
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Location: New Jersey

Re: Sirens in West Milford NJ

Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:03 am

Well what else can I say again, I'm excited to announce that on the 26th of March, I discovered that West Milford has a Sentry 5V in Newfoundland. This siren is still located here today. Photos and more information can be found on the map. I am particularly excited because this is the second Sentry 5V siren in New Jersey. However this does bring me on to a new topic, I now have a suspicion that the Sentry mounting bracket in the Hewitt section of West Milford may have actually been a 5V and not a 3v8. However, until I can get photos to confirm this is just a theory. Thank you for your continued patience with the development of this map! This will most likely be my last announced update for the West Milford siren system unless a major update happens. The map will still be updated periodically so do not worry.

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