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McCallie School Warning Systems (NEW FIRE ALARMS!)

Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:41 pm

This post will be a frequently updated center for the warning systems at my school. It will also include some city-owned sirens around Chattanooga, TN. Sorry for dial-up users, Photobucket did not resize my images correctly.
This post includes mostly fire alarms, so it has been posted in the Other Warning Systems forum. Please do not move it.

NEW! More Updates in post further down! New fire alarms and the Doom Room!

On-Campus Sirens

The Modulator

The Federal Signal Modulator has always been one of the coolest most modern-looking sirens produced. Of course, the tones are terribly low-quality and too high-pitched, but the overall look of the siren is quite cool. Here are some pictures of our school-wide weather warning system:

The picture of Belk Dormitory, where I live. Notice the siren in the upper right hand corner.

A zoomed in picture. Unfortunately the picture is a bit blurry, sorry about that. But anyways, the room I'm living in happens to be to the bottom right of the picture! I hope to be out of the dorm when they test the sirens (been a month with no test, probably will announce it beforehand to warn people in Belk).

A better view of the siren. Now you can see its position relative to the front of the dorm, plus you can see all four modules.

My camera was nice to me this time and focused correctly. This also shows the control boxes and such. The stand was previously used for a Thunderbolt, by the way, that was run by the city. There are still a few T-Bolts hiding around town.

It has not been used once during my stay so far. During a summer football camp there was a hurricane with a tornado on a nearby mountain. Thunder and lightning was everywhere and we were in an open field covered in pads, but still, they never sounded the siren. Of course, the city sirens are inactive (DAMN!!!) so they did not sound, but if they were active they would have sounded for sure. Trust me.

On-Campus Fire Alarms

Belk Dorm

This is the dorm that I live in. Lucky for me, the school wasn't too stingy with the fire alarms here. Check out this setup:

A common setup by the main door. Shows the pull station and the buzzer/strobe combo. These fire alarms were installed much later than when the dorm was built (1962), and most of the school was built before the 1980s, so the newer generation fire alarms all have those tacky metal tubes for wiring.

Close-up on the pull station. One of the newer models, with the simpler design. Not idiot-proof, though, and the fire alarms have sounded many times due to accidental bumps or caught backpacks.

Frontal view of the buzzer/strobe combo. Nothing special here.

Another boring picture of the buzzer/strobe combo. The walls have been repainted after installation, clearly.

The control panel. Same floor as I am, floor 1. Should be in the basement, but its a good signal before an alarm. The alarms are VERY loud, and "if you hear the chime you know its time"... to hurry up and cover your ears. ... s/horn.wav
A recording of the alarms in action. Very short, meant to loop.

Dorm Room Alarm System

Me and my roommate concocted a quite useless, fragile security system for our room. Ingenious, though, so here are some pics:

Just a moldy ceiling stain, no? Wrong! In fact, the crack on the right side holds a mini-sensor that detects people coming in/towards our door. Moving on...

Here is the recieving end. Used to be an old quizzer-style buzzer, now transformed into an alarm. When activated, the buzzer/red light sounds/flashes in march time (0.25 seconds on, 0.25 seconds off).

Class Bells

The bells pictured here happen to be in Belk, but they are the same virtually everywhere. Here you go:

A wonderful view of the bell. This one happens to be directly across the hall from me. Rings every morning at 7:15 AM, too. Geez.

A blurry close-up. Notice the wonderful job the Maintenance crew did with cutting a hole in the wall. You can actually see the wires in there with a flashlight. We were considering cutting them, but with cameras on both ends of the hall that's not a good idea.

Academic Building Fire Alarms

Here come more fire alarms, this time the setup found in the Academic Building. Ironically, there are no fire pull stations indoors (unless pictured below), all are outdoors.

Here we have a typical outdoor setup. The buzzer is the same model as in Belk, but white. The pull station cannot be identified. I really have no idea what model it is. Fortunately it has a cover, even though the fire alarm itself is a 2-step activation...

Another blurry close-up.

Frontal view of the buzzer/strobe combo. This one is a 15/75 candela selectable. I'm assuming its going to be 75 as it is placed outdoors. The ones in Belk are probably 15.

Side view.

Another view. I swear, it felt like I was in love with this thing.

Now, heres where the fun begins. This is the most unusual combination I have ever seen in my life. Check out the other pictures for more...

First, lets take a look at the extinguisher. What the hell is that, you may ask? Well, from the looks of it, its a useless piece of plastic labeled "H HORN". No idea.

A picture of the typical A.B. indoor buzzers. Notice the detail on the strobe to reflect light in all directions. These are located in all indoor halls, plus there is one in every classroom.

This is a real kicker, too. This buzzer is located across the walkway. I don't know if it still works, but it is a really old model. There is one of these in every hall, but none in rooms. Only one, too. Hmm... and where is the pull station, you may ask?

Ah, there it is... wait... yes, thats correct, all it is is a regular wall switch encased in a box with glass. I also love how they have the liberty of giving you a huge wooden stick to break the glass. I placed the stick in front of the glass, and if you tried to break the glass chances are you would tear off the box, too. I'd love to just switch it off in the morning and claim I thought that it was a light switch. I asked the headmaster, he said that this was a short-lived attempt to get fire pull stations on every floor. They moved to real models afterwards.

Well, that's all for now. Check back soon!
Last edited by StonedChipmunk on Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:03 pm

Got any video of a Whooping Wheelock voice system? My office building has one and it sounded sweet!
Q2B or not 2B that is the question.

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Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:57 pm

Damn, links got broken. I'll update them shortly.
And unfortunately, I can't convince the maintenance dept (or anyone for that matter) to let me run a fire drill, and I never have my camera on me so if one pops up no luck.
The Whooping Wheelock system doesn't sound familiar, either... is this what those white buzzers use?

Oh, sorry for bumping this, haven't been on in a long time.
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Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:58 am

No the voice system i guess. The recessed wall mount ones with the circular grill and strobe mounted accross the grill.
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Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:11 pm

Ah yes, those are just voice systems. Never heard one, and they don't have them here, but I've seen recordings of them. Pretty cool stuff, if you ask me, and they can be used like a regular PA system. Also, they can notify the public of where the fire is, where to go, etc.

They're installing new fire alarms in my dorm, away with those old clunky huge buzzers that rip out your eardrums! Now they've got those tiny white ones from Edwards Signaling: ... =3&PID=352
I hope to hear (and see) it tested soon! I'll have my camera ready (it has video recording) and upload it if they ever test it when I'm around. By the way, the blank part above the strobe and below the buzzer has "FIRE" in large red letters on the models we have here.

Maybe I could convince our chief of security to put in a voice system? They've got an old 1980s-era PA system for the academic building (only half of the speakers still work, and they're used all the time) and maybe we could get some fancy school-wide Wheelock system. We've already got a FS Modulator, though, so emergency notification isn't much of an issue...
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Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:12 pm

EDIT: Removed.

Sorry for double post... said "No post mode specified" so I had to re-submit.

EDIT: Might as well use this post for something...
Forgot to tell you that they put in 2 more fire alarms in the bathroom on each floor. Used to be just a strobe by the door, but they didn't even disable the buzzers so a bathroom about the size of a regular-sized bedroom has 3 loud-arse fire alarms in it, with one of them inside a stall. Maybe the health center was complaining about too many constipation issues...
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Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:00 pm


UPDATE! Here is a vid of the buzzer you'll see below. It doesn't have a strobe on it, but you wouldn't be able to see it flash anyways.

GREAT NEWS! For those of you who couldn't care less about this topic, it's time to... umm... start caring! That's right, I finally have pics of the BRAND-NEW Edwards-based fire alarm system in our dorm (which is the same for all other dorms, just a mass replacement from Cerberus Pyrotechnics to Edwards).

First, I'd like to make a note: THIS SYSTEM SUCKS. Onwards!

Unfortunately, I was not able to get (or even purchase) the old fire alarms/pull stations. I asked twice, no avail. They disappeared, probably trashed. If only... oh well. But there's still the old control panel down there! Of course, it's about the size of the desk I'm sitting at (and this desk is pretty big) so I definitely have nowhere to put it. However... maybe if I moved the DJ panel and bolted some hooks... I could just use it as a "pretend" panel to freak everyone out. Plus, I could make a suspenseful "test" and hit the DRILL button very slowly, and have it beep (while the others are running out the door covering their ears, waiting for the fire alarms to go off)! Hilarious! YouTube, here I come!

Enough with the talk. On to the pictures!

Here's how this will work: we're gonna take a tour from my room all the way down through the basement (where pretty much everything is). Since it's not normal for a 15-year-old guy to be taking pictures of the fire alarm system, I kinda was skimpy and just photoed everything downstairs. Hey, they've got everything that's upstairs in the basement...

OK, here's the smoke detector in my room. I think it's an ionization sensor... not sure though.

A closer look, a few more details visible. Notice the openings in the "skirt" part... this will be explained later.

You can really see the details here. Kinda repetitive, so let's move on.

Go down the hall and you'll find the huge-arse control panel. Ironically, this thing can hold 3 separate control panels (all in one) so it can control separate buildings from one place. However, since there is no possible way to get the wiring all down to a central spot (and so we can silence it ourselves), we just put separate panels in all the buildings.

A close-up of the panel.

EST3... never heard of it. Edwards System Technologies 3, apparently... possibly some kind of do-all control system.

A close-up of the electronics and the actual control part of the panel. You can see my reflection in the picture. Hideous, isn't it? ;)

This is what's taking the spot of the old control panel. Apparently, it's a supplementary battery. It clicks every 20 seconds or so for some reason. Pisses me off!! The water fountain is next to it, you get scared it's a bomb...

After going downstairs into the basement hallway, we happen upon this bell. It's a Federal Signal Vibratone, for class signaling.

It is the same exact model as the one in the first post, but it hasn't undergone the beating I've inflicted on mine. Unfortunately, you can just barely see the volume screw (it's a bit clearer in the image before this one), and it's completely raised. That means this bell will no longer ring. (I was stupid enough to try to record it on video on the last time the bells will ring this weekend... it never rang, and you could barely hear the ones upstairs... wasn't worth uploading it.)

Next up is the pull station next to it. There isn't a buzzer or even a strobe near it (it's actually around the corner). It has one of those Stopper things on it, plus it's a dual-action station (you gotta push/pull two things instead of one). A bit overdone, but it's better than those old things... seriously, you bump them and the alarms go off. Should be a burglar alarm instead.

Inspection of yet another blurry close-up shows that this has a lift cover, pull down style activation method. Not to mention the Stopper.

Let's move on to the buzzers. The new ones in the dorms are the same as the ones indoors in the academic building (see the first post). We're not going to have the outdoor style ones.

A relatively sharp close-up. Shows the typical man-running-away-from-fire logo, with the advanced strobe reflectors. These things look awesome when they are mounted flush on the wall (without the box behind it) as they are so small it really looks like the future of fire alarms. And these things are LOUD!!! I'll try to get a recording of them when they start testing the smoke detectors again.

If you look closely on the side, there's a little box with "15" in it. Like the ones in the Academic Building, these are also 17/75 candela selectable strobes. Since they are indoor strobes, we normally keep them at 15 (they are still pretty bright).

Right above it is a smoke detector. This particular detector is mounted incorrectly and is beginning to fall out.

However, on closer inspection, you'll find that these detectors do not have the skirt openings. This is because the skirt openings are for a buzzer. You ever seen a smoke detector, used in a fire alarm system, that has the horn ripped out from a simple buzzer and placed inside it? Well, here's one. In fact, there's one in every room. About 40 rooms. Expensive!! And it's as loud as F**K. No joke. I pissed my pants when these things went off in the night (faulty detector). But remember, I'm talking about the one in the beginning (with the openings), not this one, which doesn't have the buzzer.

OK, it's time to enter the Doom Room. It's actually a boiler room, but it really looks like something evil is going on down here. Everything is from the 1960s and 1970s! There's even a door to a bomb shelter on the other side... well, let's see what we can find.

Looks like all the tubes in these things have burnt out in the climate control system. There's actually a bunch of newer boxes on the other side of the room for the climate control.

Ah, this is the switch I've been hearing of! This is how they turn the fans on heat or AC. The only control we have in our room for the heater/AC is a simple lightswitch. They turn the AC to heat in the winter.

Ah, the old control panel. Should I steal it?

There's the logo. So much with cool company names...

Founders Panel, etc.? Looks like we hit the jackpot!!!

Aww... just a bunch of empty boxes.

Bell Relay... hmm...

Well, while I screw around with the bells, I'll let you guys go. Maybe more updates coming soon!
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