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465 Hz ATI HPSS16 With Wind Up/Down - Ft Rucker, AL 1/3/18

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:51 am
by DJ2226
Yes, it's a 465 Hz ATI with a wind up and wind down... kinda. Ft. Rucker's system caught my attention a few weeks ago. Basically they have a system of ATI's that replaced ADT/Tyco ClearWarning PA that apparently were either used to replace the base's old Whelen WPS-2800 series system or supplement it. They gutted the panels on all of the Tyco PA's and retrofitted the insides with ATI components and swapped the old planar speakers for the typical assortment of HPSS speakers. Some of the Tyco arrays were newer units using the newer style of cabinets that have a separate battery box prior to being gutted out and converted, leading me to believe that they actually used them to replace the Whelens. All but one of the Tycos were converted, and the leftover unit must have been used as a demo unit since it went in with the ATI siren next to it at the same time. It seems that they fell in love with the Whelen's original tone, since that's what the ATI's sound like now. I think they used it on the Tyco system before the conversion. It's a recording, but it's very clean and almost sounds like it's being naively generated. I wonder if they got the recording from Whelen or if they somehow rigged one of the controllers up to a computer and recorded the output from the logic boards. It's not the first time ATI sirens did Whelen tones, the ATI's in Russellville do this with a 450 Hz tone from an ESC-2020. Anyway here's my recording.

Re: 465 Hz ATI HPSS16 With Wind Up/Down - Ft Rucker, AL 1/3/18

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:26 pm
by Stag
That's wild! Despite the bizarre circumstances, I feel it's an improvement to the original ATI sound. Cool footage!